Forum Internacional de Software Livre (FISL)[1] is going to happen next
week, July 11 - 14. If you're going to Porto Alegre, we're organizing an
open event, a Tor Meetup, at the night of July 12th:
Btw, if you're new in this list, Tor Global South have an IRC channel in
irc.oftc.net #tor-south
[1] http://fisl18.softwarelivre.org/
*** portuguese version ***
O Forum Internacional de Software Livre (FISL)[1] acontecerá na próxima
semana, 11 a 14 de Julho. Se você estiver indo para Porto Alegre,
nós estamos organizando um evento aberto, um Tor Meetup,
na noite do dia 12 de Julho:
Aliás, se você é novo/a nessa lista, o Tor Sul Global possui um canal de
IRC no servidor oftc:
irc.oftc.net #tor-south
[1] http://fisl18.softwarelivre.org/
PGP: 427F 2D71 7664 D215 378C B412 8BDC 87FB 7215 E189
XMPP/OTR: 62f58f8062da3e48e0aa076f20807ecb1488658e
Hello Tor community!
We are very happy to say we now have a support website[1]! This is a
soft-launch because the site is not yet full translated. That is why we
are not doing a big announcement yet (eg blog post). We would like to do
a soft-lauch of the site so the community knows about it and we can get
some help translating it to at least our tier 1 languages [2].
At the moment our site is only translated to Spanish and French. If you
would like to help us with translation please check out our wiki page
explaining the necessary steps to do so [3]. If you encounter any issues
please let us know. Soon (in July!) we will have our new Localization
Project Coordinator and they will be a person fully dedicated to help
our translators community help us! But till then asking for help here on
this list might be the best way for us to help you :)
This is the first site we are launching as part of our 'website
redesign' project[4] and we are looking forward to have it fully
translated so we can share it with the world!
Thank you in advance!
ps: if you have feedback about the site please use one of these methods
to let us
know: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/community/HowToReportBugF…
[1] https://support.torproject.org/
[2] Tier 1 languages are:
* English - EN
* Farsi - FA
* Spanish - ES
* Russian - RU
* Simplified Chinese - zh-CN
* Portuguese - PT-BR
* French - FR
* German - DE
* Korean - KO
* Turkish - TR
* Italian - IT
* Arabic - AR
More about it
here: https://storm.torproject.org/shared/3aNRznZVvHBq3w4EhQRo3-H7lNHEPhNgo0x-9WL…
[3] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/translation/Introduction#…
[4] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/21222
Comparto esta invitación que nos llega desde Bogotá.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jhon J
Date: 2018-06-29 16:33 GMT-03:00
Subject: Invitación semana linux XV - Universidad Distrital
Bogotá, Viernes 28 de Junio de 2018.
Comunidad Tor
Queremos compartir con ustedes alguna información acerca de uno de los
eventos de Software Libre más representativos a nivel nacional, la Semana
Linux XV, la cual se llevará a cabo desde el Lunes 27 de Agosto hasta el
Sábado 01 de Septiembre de 2018 en la facultad de Ingeniería de la
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.
A este evento asisten profesionales, estudiantes y empresarios; se realizan
conferencias, talleres y actividades para compartir conocimiento. Este es
el formulario que han llenado nuestros demás conferencistas:
https://goo.gl/forms/gaPzsJZqf3ictuBR2 . El archivo adjunto es la
publicidad que estamos realizando para este evento.
Somos un Grupo Universitario que lleva 20 años, el GLUD (Grupo GNU Linux
Universidad Distrital FJC) es un grupo académico que promueve el Software,
la tecnología, ciencia y cultura libre. Estaríamos muy agradecidos de
contar con su participación con alguna conferencia, taller o actividad
durante este evento, lo cual les proporcionará visibilidad a ustedes como
Agradecemos su atención y colaboración.
Grupo GNU Linux Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Telefono: 3057458511 - 313 4301879
Antonela Debiasi
Tor Project ∙ http://torproject.org/