We're updating our Tor training materials section, and we know that our community has developed many materials explaining how Tor works, how to install it, how to circumvent censorship, and many great things about Tor.
Do you know of or have any Tor training materials (slides, guides, zine, videos) that should be part of our training section on the Community Portal[1]?
If you know or have training materials about Tor, please send an email to gus at torproject.org with: - a link to the resource - a short description about it - creative commons license
I'm adding training material suggestions to this ticket[2], and so far, we've found many great resources in different languages!
Please note that we will evaluate if: - The material is being updated and maintained. - Do no harm: demystifies the "dark/deep web", no training materials that will scare people, or put them at risk. - Follow the Tor Project Code of Conduct and our guidelines: https://community.torproject.org/training/
cheers, Gus
[1] https://community.torproject.org/training/resources/ [2] https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/training/-/issues/12#note_272954...