Goal | Vote
Get daily OONI measurements |
from 50 countries | 2
Develop OONI tests for |
censorship circumvention |
tools | 3
Develop scheme for |
orchestrating ooni-probes | 5
Implement data analytics |
and visualization for OONI |
tests | 5
Implement pub-sub system |
for ooni collectors | 4
Reach production quality |
ooni rasperry-pi |
(beagle-board) images | 4
Promote and further |
develop OONI on mobile |
(Android, iOS) | 4
Publish monthly reports |
about the status of |
internet censorship in |
a country | 2
Run "adopt an ooni-probe" |
campaign | 2
Integration with other |
censorship measurement |
projects | 3
Reaching out to communities|
inside of censored regions | 2
Redesign the website for |
ooni | 1
Hold an international |
internet censorship |
conference | 1
Implement a GUI for |
ooniprobes | 5
Do research based on |
OONI | 3