On 8/12/14, 9:41 AM, jony-port@bitmessage.ch wrote:
Can you enable debug output and paste somewhere the output of it (you need to edit ~/.ooni/ooniprobe.conf to set advanced->debug: true)
I cannot reproduce this on my system. These reports were gathered at some point from different systems, most of them are on the main reports archive (https://ooni.torproject.org/reports/0.1/).
In any case, I guess it would be better to check that the headers exist before calling getDiff (https://gitweb.torproject.org/ooni-probe.git/blob/HEAD:/ooni/nettests/blocki...)
I deployed a fix that is now part of ooniprobe 1.1.0 in this commit: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/commit/dc7cc8fea556ed9391147defb...
This makes exception handling in the HTTP request template more robust.
Also here there are some improvements to the http_requests test that could also address the root of this issue:
This is also part of 1.1.0.
I believe this should fix the problem.
What I suggest is that when you parse the reports if you only see one request/response pair you should consider the other one to have failed. If the test was on the experiment you should consider this a possible sign of censorship.
~ Art.