Hello Oonitarians,
This is a reminder that today there will be the weekly OONI gathering.
It will happen as usual on the #ooni channel on irc.oftc.net at 16:00 UTC (18:00 CEST, 12:00 EST, 09:00 PST). You can join via the web from: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.oftc.net/ooni.
The tentative schedule for this weeks meeting is:
1. ooniprobe v0.3.0: Integration of ooniprobe with measurement-kit (sbs)
2. Belin meetup schedule, is there any clarity regarding the dates?
3. ooniprobe v2.0.0: do we have a release date that is tightly coupled with some public event?
4. Tor block in Egypt on 2016-10-02, do we want to add technical analisys of Tor fingerprinting?
Feel free to add more items as you see fit on the following pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/ooni-irc-pad
Everybody is welcome to join us and bring their questions and feedback.
See you later,
~ Maria
- -- Maria Xynou Research and Partnerships Coordinator Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) https://ooni.torproject.org/ PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E