Sorry for taking a while to get to this.
On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 03:50:33PM +0100, Arturo Filastò wrote:
# Develop OONI tests for censorship circumvention tools
This is something I'm particularly interested in.
My current work includes adding support for OONI to detect whether or not UDP and other transports can be used from a network, and this work would allow for testing other application layer protocols over these transports, such as VPN protocols etc.
Goal | Vote
Get daily OONI measurements | from 50 countries | 5
Develop OONI tests for | censorship circumvention | tools | 5
Develop scheme for | orchestrating ooni-probes | 5
Implement data analytics | and visualization for OONI | tests | 5
Implement pub-sub system | for ooni collectors | 4
Reach production quality | ooni rasperry-pi | (beagle-board) images | 5
Promote and further | develop OONI on mobile | (Android, iOS) | 5
Publish monthly reports | about the status of | internet censorship in | a country | 4
Run "adopt an ooni-probe" | campaign | 5
Integration with other | censorship measurement | projects | 5
Reaching out to communities| inside of censored regions | 5
Redesign the website for | ooni | 3
Hold an international | internet censorship | conference | 4
Implement a GUI for | ooniprobes | 4
Do research based on | OONI | 5