# What we did in February
* Tag a release candidate for ooniprobe 1.2.3-rc1: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/releases/tag/v1.2.3-rc1
* Implement multiprocessing support in oonipipeline: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-pipeline/commit/64c6b1082cc304f264c753...
* Publish reports in gzipped format: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-pipeline/commit/197664fbe57d3d4b3293bd...
* Re-run the sanitise task on the reports and fix bugs while doing so
* Setup the various cronjobs to automate gathering reports from collectors and pushing the reports through the pipeline.
* Flatten pipeline DB structure of reports and measurements https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-pipeline/commit/3be900736472a15b33e67a...
* Discuss the roadmap for the future of OONI: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/ooni-dev/2015-February/000246.html
* Continue development of libight on iOS and Android
* Write up the methodology to be used for assessing internet censorship in Iran.
* Progress on having obfs4 support in ooniprobe
* Setup a shell that allows people to access the mongodb database directly and provide access to interested parties.
* Debug issues related to using lepidopter and vagrant: https://github.com/anadahz/lepidopter/pull/3
* Disable the sys path hack in ooniprobe: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/commit/3bad9401e657507abea23bb4d...
* Restore ooni-app in development mode on the pipeline server (this is not yet officially public)
* Attend Open ITP Circumvention Summit
# Plans for March
* Work on analysing censorship circumvention tools to be tested inside of Iran
* Work on proposal for end of 2015 - 2016
* Attend workshop on Ethics and Philosophy of Internet research in Oxford
* Work on organizing the OONI hackfest in Rome
* Merge obfs4 patch
* Work on making citizen-lab test-lists more of a community effort
* Finish the roadmap sketched out at the Tor developer meeting
~ Arturo