Dear M-Lab Experiment Developer:
Measurement Lab is beginning an update to our documentation and web presence. In the process we are updating contacts, and information about each test on the platform to encourage broad, replicable research and analysis of data collected through the M-Lab platform.
We're reaching out to you for help. You know your experiments best, and it's a chance for us to make contact to ensure you have the most up to date contacts for M-Lab, should you need anything from us.
Information about your experiment’s methodologies will be made available on the M-Lab public website, to provide new researchers and others a quick introduction to using the data generated by your experiments. M-Lab staff will present this information to you for review prior to publication.
Please take a moment to complete this researcher survey:
M-Lab staff are also interested in collaborating with you on new tools we're building to provide API access to M-Lab experiments’ public data and provide visualizations of that data for audiences beyond the research community.
Lastly, the current M-Lab operations team at New America's Open Technology Institute consists of Chris Ritzo, Jordan McCarthy, Nathan Kinkade, and Steph Alarcon. We maintain a support tracker which you or others can use by emailing You are likely already subscribed to our lists but they are below if you are not:
* Announcements and Discussion of M-Lab Operations!forum/ops
* Public Discussion Group for Measurement Lab!forum/discuss
Lastly, if you have specific needs you'd like to discuss with us about your experiments or the M-Lab platform, or about this survey and documentation initiative, please reach out to me directly, and thank you in advance for helping us improve documentation and use of M-Lab experiments' data.
Best regards,
Chris Ritzo
Project Manager for Measurement Lab
Open Technology Institute New America