# What we did in June 2015
* Restore the processing of all the gathered reports with the next generation OONI pipeline: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-pipeline-ng
* Implement most basic heuristics for identifying interesting http_requests measurements: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-pipeline-ng/commit/e314a97587eebef1c78...
* Implement map of the world with measurements gathered per country: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-api/commit/1d41c45818b632f8964d17eb51a...
* Implement proxy of OONI reports download from S3: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-api/commit/79d0527c5a33680b847f027d1f0...
* Publish article about greek gambling website censorship: https://ooni.torproject.org/post/eeep-greek-censorship/
* Update the ubuntu PPA with the latest version of ooniprobe: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/commit/edb5c1e22d9de6c50d6780298...
* Work on the roadmap for measurement-kit and move the project to a different github organisation: https://github.com/measurement-kit
* Define the roadmap and next steps for the citizenlab test-lists project: https://github.com/citizenlab/test-lists/milestones/test-lists%201.0.0%20-%2...
* Review the a legal memo given to use by the HLS CyberLaw Clinic and define the next steps with them
* Submit OTF proposal
* Attend the CitizenLab summer institute and connect with many potential probe operators
We also did the following weekly dev meetings: http://meetbot.debian.net/ooni/2015/ooni.2015-06-01-17.01.log.html http://meetbot.debian.net/ooni/2015/ooni.2015-06-08-17.02.log.html http://meetbot.debian.net/ooni/2015/ooni.2015-06-15-17.00.log.html http://meetbot.debian.net/ooni/2015/ooni.2015-06-22-17.00.log.html http://meetbot.debian.net/ooni/2015/ooni.2015-06-29-16.59.log.html
Overall I would say this was a very fruitful month.
Much <3 to everyone who helped make all of this happen!
~ Arturo