Tomorrow (Wednesday 4th of March) afternoon we are going to be having a OONI workshop/hackfest/gathering/party/antani.
If you are interested in technical or non even non technical aspects connected to internet censorship/surveillance, network measurements, you are invited to join us.
It will start after lunch (at 15:00) in Taller6. It is up the stairs from the entrance directly above the bar. We will meet outside at 14:30 and then head there.
What we can do during the workshop are:
* Make you learn what OONI is and how you can use it!
* Analyze data collected so far by OONI. It's in a database and you can get a shell.
* BYORPi: Bring Your Own Raspberry Pi and you will get it back with ooniprobe installed on it.
* Discuss what you would like to know about censorship, that we can help you discover.
* Hack on whatever excites you.
World operators of any level are welcome!
~ Arturo