
We are excited to share that we have published a new tutorial for writing OONI Probe tests!

The starting point of the tutorial is here: https://github.com/ooni/probe-cli/tree/master/internal/tutorial

If you are a developer interested in contributing an OONI Probe test, we encourage you to read our tutorial and reach out to the OONI team on Slack (https://slack.ooni.org/) or IRC (ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/#ooni) for coordination. :)

OONI Probe has always been free and open source to encourage independent third-party review of our methodologies. 

Now, you can contribute your own network measurement test -- particularly with the help of our new tutorial. 

If integrated into OONI Probe, your test will be run in around 200 countries and territories every month, with test results published as open data (https://ooni.org/data/).

We have already integrated the RiseupVPN test developed by the LEAP collective, and we have worked with M-Lab on integrating the NDT and DASH tests. 

We look forward to integrating more tests from the community!


OONI team.