Over the last few weeks, China started blocking all language editions of Wikipedia.
We share OONI data on the blocking via our latest report: https://ooni.torproject.org/post/2019-china-wikipedia-blocking/
Thanks to our local collaborators, we were able to publish a Chinese version of the report as well: https://ooni.torproject.org/post/2019-china-wikipedia-blocking.zh/
You can also find the report published on iYouPort: https://www.iyouport.org/2019-china-wikipedia-blocking/
Previously, Chinese ISPs only blocked the Chinese language edition of Wikipedia (zh.wikipedia.org).
Now, they are blocking all language editions of *.wikipedia.org (in addition to zh.wikinews.org) by means of both DNS injection and SNI filtering (which could perhaps be viewed as a form of "defense in depth" tactic for network filtering, as they create multiple layers of censorship that make circumvention harder).
OONI measurements show blocking of all wikipedia.org sub-domains from 25th April 2019 onwards.
OONI team.