Hi all,
The next steps for torbutton and tor-launcher will be migrating from the restartless pieces to webextensions. This will be a requirement for the next ESR, and it is already the situation with the current Firefox releases. Also, they must be system add-ons.
Overall, we believe nearly everything torbutton and tor-launcher currently do can be accomplished with webextensions (assuming I remembered all the things they do). The key here is using a "Webextensions Experiment" for extending the Webextensions API for our needs.
This should be enough for interacting with the XPCOM services the extensions currently use.
The one problem we will have is observing the profile-after-change topic. We'll likely need another Firefox patch so we can trigger the current functionality. The main reason we can't achieve this with webextensions is webextensions are run asynchronously, so a webextension won't block the browser start-up progress (needed for TorProcessService in tor-launcher, and parts of torbutton).
In torbutton, we may be able to provide domain isolation using the webRequest.onBeforeRequest event:
On this event, we should receive information about the connection, including the ProxyInfo. I wonder if we can use the current implementation in torbutton and overwrite the ProxyInfo object we're given from the request with a new domain-isolated ProxyInfo object. I haven't looked at the Firefox code, so I'm not sure if Firefox will use the modifications or ignore it.
Personally, I think we should begin working on this within the next month or two, and begin testing the new implementation in the alpha series before we start rebasing Tor Brower onto the next ESR.
- Matt