Since I didn't get to ramble, here goes!
I'm acting like a bit of a gadfly since I want to have some people
delegate to me... but I have my stuff also. We should all start acting a
bit more collectively, and taking some small tasks from others (when
appropriate) is a good first step.
* still need to centralize the trac calendar... ggus already ok with
moving br stuff there. Then it will need publicity.
* waiting on sysrqb about X person for Aug 2 meeting... if not then we
need an alternative ASAP. Not sure on meeting space though.... and it
needs to have a flier for HOPE.
* will sort out TPO social for Friday of HOPE panel, this week.
* working on getting TPO, EFF and FoP on same page for HOPE, and maybe
MakerFaire... FoP not sure about MakerFaire.
* I have a list of TPO people at HOPE (11 definites plus maybe 4 who are
local). I want to start getting volunteers for our "off-track Tor"
sessions. At least the panel speakers should do an AMA after panel to
continue discussion from panel. but i want at least five. (separate
offlist thread right now)
* stephw talked about nyu/poly stuff July 16.
* we should have a followup blog post about HOPE "off-track tor"
sessions when we have speakers/topics
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