Would it be useful to run multiple Tor instances and onionbalance on the
very same server? Or does that totally defeat the purpose of onionbalance?
In my case, it's not a location hidden service. Just an alternative way
to connect to a server which is available over clearnet anyhow.
I guess the presumption of onionbalance is that a location hidden server
shouldn't produce too much Tor traffic as that would be suspicious?
Is a single Tor client a bottleneck? I.e. are multiple Tor clients more
performant than only one Tor client? Does onionbalance "only" work
around limitations of individual servers in CPU / IO / bandwidth?
In other words, assume CPU / IO / bandwidth is "unlimited" on one
server. (And ignore failover.) Does it make sense to run multiple Tor
instances and onionbalance or would a single Tor instance without
onionbalance be sufficient?