On 10/05/14 21:09, George Kadianakis wrote:
It's interesting that you say this, because we pretty much took the opposite approach with guard nodes. That is, the plan is to extend their rotation period to 9 months (from the current 2-3 months). See: https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob/HEAD:/proposals/236-single-gu...
I was even planning on writing an extension to rend-spec-ng.txt to specify how IPs should be picked and to extend their rotation period. That's for the same reason we do it for entry guards:
Hi George,
Is there an analysis somewhere of why it would be better to change IPs less frequently? I think it would be good for the performance of mobile hidden services, but I'm concerned about the attack waldo described eariler in this thread, in which a malicious IP breaks circuits until the service builds a circuit through a malicious middle node, allowing the attacker to discover the service's entry guard.
Perhaps the attack could be mitigated by keeping the same middle node and IP for as long as possible, then choosing a new middle node *and* a new IP when either of them became unavailable? Then a malicious IP that broke a circuit would push the circuit onto a new IP.
However, that might require all three nodes in the circuit to be picked from the high-uptime pool.
Cheers, Michael