Hello everyone,
Last week I introduced myself [0] on this list, shortly after being accepted into GSoC to work on Consensus Diffs. My GSoC proposal is heavily based on the Tor proposal #140 [1], which is close to being six years old now.
This is why, after some discussion with Nick, Sebastian and Weasel (the original author of the proposal), it became obvious that it needs some revising. Here are the improvements we discussed on IRC:
* Microdescriptors didn't exist back then, so the proposal makes no mention of microdescriptor consensus diffs. We should support these too.
* Weasel added the 's' command just so that a line with just one dot could be produced. Since consensuses should never have such a line, I think it would be best to drop 's' and not support such a line as an input when generating the diffs.
* In response to my introduction mail, Ian mentioned that fetching a diff is leaking data about when you last used Tor. Nick proposed to have a time limit on these diffs, to e.g. 24 or 36 hours, which should mitigate this problem.
* Regarding their size, #140 suggests that they are not useful past 16 hours. I thought we could compare the compressed size of the diffs when creating them, since they may be of use for a longer time. We could do this relative size limit first as well as the time limit mentioned above.
That is all that we came up with for now, what do you think? Ideas about what might be missing or needing an update are welcome, of course :)
[0] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-April/006744.html [1] https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/master:/prop...