* Ralf-Philipp Weinmann ralf@coderpunks.org [2013:11:17 10:25 +0100]:
Getting TBB into the App Store would definitely help increase its visibility on the OSX side. However, I am not really in favour of giving a US company a list of all users having downloaded TBB plus information whether or not they are upgraded to the most recent version...
IMO this is a very persuasive reason not to put it there.
I think I still have access to both. Let me pull the latest version of both agreements (iPhone and OSX developer) and attach them to #6540.
Thank you!
Have you spoken to Mozilla how they have obtained their code signing cert?
I believe this is on Mike's TODO list since he talks to Mozilla people fairly frequently, but it may not be a high priority for him. Mike, let me know if you would prefer for me to take this on?