On Friday 13 December 2013 14:21:10 David Fifield wrote:
Do you have the same symptoms we experienced? That is, during the build of tor for lucid-i386, you have a qemu process running with image target-precise-amd64.qcow2? And if you ssh into the VM with ssh -oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -i gitian-
builder/var/id_dsa -p
2223 root@localhost and then run "halt", the VM appears to shut down, but the same qemu process keeps running?
I think it's possible to have linux-image-generic package installed, but not actually be running 3.2.0. What does "uname -a" say?
David Fifield
I restarted the make this morning but could no longer recreate the issue for Linux and Windows. There is another issue with Mac, but that is caused by an rsyn error.
I still have the output from yesterdays make:
****** Starting Tor Component of Linux Bundle (1/3 for Linux) ******
--- Building tor-linux for lucid i386 --- Stopping target if it is up Making a new image copy Formatting 'target-lucid-i386.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=11811160064 backing_file='base-lucid-i386.qcow2' encryption=off cluster_size=65536 Starting target Checking if target is up Preparing build environment Updating apt-get repository (log in var/install.log) Installing additional packages (log in var/install.log) Grabbing package manifest Creating build script (var/build-script) Running build script (log in var/build.log) ./bin/gbuild:21:in `system!': failed to run on-target setarch i386 bash -x < var/build-script > var/build.log 2>&1 (RuntimeError) from ./bin/gbuild:121:in `build_one_configuration' from ./bin/gbuild:223 from ./bin/gbuild:218:in `each' from ./bin/gbuild:218 from ./bin/gbuild:216:in `each' from ./bin/gbuild:216 make: *** [build] Error 1
From that make there was also still a qemu process running:
/bin/sh /home/user/make/gitian.builder/libexec/start-target 64 precises-amd64 qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2000 -smp 2 -drive file=target-precise- amd64.qcow2,cache=writeback -net nic,model=virrio -net user,hostfwd=tcp:127.0.01:2223-:22 -vnc
I logged into it as you suggested and called halt. The ssh connection dropped, but the quemu process kept running:
user@host:~$ ssh -oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -i ~/make/gitian- builder/var/id_dsa -p 2223 root@localhost Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-57-virtual x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/ root@ubuntu:~# halt
Broadcast message from root@ubuntu (/dev/pts/0) at 16:15 ...
The system is going down for halt NOW! root@ubuntu:~# Connection to localhost closed by remote host.
My uname output is: user@host:~$ uname -a Linux host 3.2.0-57-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 12 21:35:10 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux