On Friday 13 December 2013 14:21:10 David Fifield wrote:
Do you have the same symptoms we experienced? That is, during the build of tor for lucid-i386, you have a qemu process running with image target-precise-amd64.qcow2? And if you ssh into the VM with ssh -oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -i gitian-
builder/var/id_dsa -p
2223 root@localhost and then run "halt", the VM appears to shut down, but the same qemu process keeps running?
I think it's possible to have linux-image-generic package installed, but not actually be running 3.2.0. What does "uname -a" say?
David Fifield
I restarted the make this morning but could no longer recreate the issue for Linux and Windows. There is another issue with Mac, but that is caused by an rsyn error.
FWIW, this is probably