I'm energized to announce txtorcon 23.11.0 with the following changes:
* Fix test-failures on Python 3.12 * Particular GETINFO hanging (https://github.com/meejah/txtorcon/issues/389) (ultra-long lines over 16KiB caused problems in the protocol) * Use built-in `mock` only (https://github.com/jelly) * Remove `incremental` (https://github.com/gdrosos)
txtorcon is an implementation of the "control-spec" for Tor using the "Twisted" networking library. This is the library to use if you want to write event-based software (including asyncio; interop is possible) in Python that uses the Tor network as a client or a service (or to integrate Tor support into existing Twisted-using applications).
You can download the release from PyPI or GitHub (or of course "pip install txtorcon"):
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txtorcon/23.11.0 https://github.com/meejah/txtorcon/releases/tag/v23.11.0
Releases are also available from the hidden service:
http://fjblvrw2jrxnhtg67qpbzi45r7ofojaoo3orzykesly2j3c2m3htapid.onion/txtorc... http://fjblvrw2jrxnhtg67qpbzi45r7ofojaoo3orzykesly2j3c2m3htapid.onion/txtorc...
You can verify the sha256sum of both by running the following 4 lines in a shell wherever you have the files downloaded:
cat <<EOF | sha256sum --check c6c4f5ca5e94ed58be70de0f06d06153b7025cf4c6956b3724194a7cd8736904 dist/txtorcon-23.11.0.tar.gz 59ec801a38d6ea3cedc544cfcdb8e6f180b55d51bf9a01224b09f4bf48262f6b dist/txtorcon-23.11.0-py3-none-any.whl EOF
thanks, meejah