On 6/21/13 2:19 PM, Andrea Shepard wrote:
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 07:44:21PM +0200, Karsten Loesing wrote:
9:00 in San Francisco 12:00 in Boston 18:00 in Berlin 19:00 in Athens 21:30 in New Delhi
Uh, sorry, but the odds of 9 AM happening in my time zone are not too good unless it's on the tail end of the previous day's period of consciousness.
It's difficult to find a good time that works for everyone, and we shouldn't change the time of the meeting next week. But what would be a good time for *future* meetings? Would two hours later help, that is, 11:00 in San Francisco and 20:00 in Berlin? Or how about 21:00 in San Francisco, 0:00 in Boston, 6:00 in Berlin, etc.?
Thanks, Karsten