Index: privacybadge.html
--- privacybadge.html (revision 0)
+++ privacybadge.html (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Index: cgi-bin/
--- cgi-bin/ (revision 0)
+++ cgi-bin/ (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ - originally in perl, rewritten in python
+ By Jacob Appelbaum
+ Written at ToorCon Seattle 2008 (Thanks for the great time h1kari!)
+ Thanks to Crispen for a power outlet :-)
+ Additional python suggestions from nickm
+ Best used with the Debian packages:
+ python-dns
+ libapache2-mod-python
+ locales-all
+__program__ = ''
+__version__ = '20100429.01'
+__url__ = ''
+__author__ = 'Jacob Appelbaum '
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2008, Jacob Appelbaum'
+__license__ = 'See LICENSE for licensing information'
+ from future import antigravity
+except ImportError:
+ antigravity = None
+import cgi
+import DNS
+from DNS import DNSError
+# This is pydns and can be downloaded from
+# Or use the Debian package listed above
+import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
+import gettext
+import locale
+import os
+localedir ='/srv/'
+# We could also explictly query the remote EL server
+# This is not as good as using a cache for obvious reasons
+def isUsingTor(clientIp, ELPort):
+ # This is the exit node ip address
+ # This is where we want to dynamically recieve this from Apache
+ splitIp = clientIp.split('.')
+ splitIp.reverse()
+ ELExitNode = ".".join(splitIp)
+ # We'll attempt to reach this port on the Target host
+ # ELPort is now set by the caller
+ # We'll try to reach this host
+ ElTarget = ""
+ # This is the ExitList DNS server we want to query
+ ELHost = ""
+ # Prepare the question as an A record request
+ ELQuestion = ELExitNode + "." + ELPort + "." + ElTarget + "." + ELHost
+ request = DNS.DnsRequest(name=ELQuestion,qtype='A')
+ # Ask the question and load the data into our answer
+ try:
+ answer=request.req()
+ except DNSError:
+ return 2
+ # Parse the answer and decide if it's allowing exits
+ # is an exit and NXDOMAIN is not
+ if answer.header['status'] == "NXDOMAIN":
+ # We're not exiting from a Tor exit
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if not answer.answers:
+ # We're getting unexpected data - fail closed
+ return 2
+ for a in answer.answers:
+ if a['data'] != "":
+ return 2
+ # If we're here, we've had a positive exit answer
+ return 0
+def isUpToDate(queryString):
+ """
+ determine if TBB is aware of newer versions
+ """
+ if 'uptodate=1' in queryString.lower():
+ return True
+ if 'uptodate=0' in queryString.lower():
+ return False
+ # This will be true until Torbutton 1.4.4 is released
+ if 'small=1' in queryString.lower():
+ return False
+ # The default case; No update information to provide
+ return True
+def handler(req, environ, start_response):
+ # Make a DNS request to the EL and decide what to tell the user
+ UsingTor = isUsingTor(environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], "80")
+ # Try to hit a cornercase where the user can exit to 443 but not 80
+ if UsingTor != 0:
+ UsingTor = isUsingTor(environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], "443")
+ # figure out if the client passed uptodate=0 or uptodate=1
+ # defaults to 1 if uptodate was not present in the query string
+ UpToDate = isUpToDate(environ['QUERY_STRING'])
+ response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]
+ start_response('200 OK', response_headers)
+ data = cgi.FieldStorage()
+ callback = data.getvalue('callback')
+ if callback:
+ if UsingTor == 0:
+ req.write(callback + "({'Tor': True});")
+ # This is the case where we have an NXDOMAIN and they aren't using Tor
+ elif UsingTor == 1:
+ req.write(callback + "({'Tor': False});")
+ # This means we have some strange data response we don't understand
+ # It's better that we fail closed and let the user know everything went wrong
+ elif UsingTor == 2:
+ req.write(callback + "({'Tor': 'Error'});")
+ else:
+ req.write("No callback set")
+class FakeReq(list):
+ def write(self, str):
+ self.append(str)
+def application(environ, start_response):
+ req = FakeReq()
+ handler(req, environ, start_response)
+ return req
+# vim:set ts=4:
+# vim:set et:
+# vim:set shiftwidth=4:
Property changes on: cgi-bin/
Added: svn:executable
+ *