This has the side effect of promoting good onion upkeep.
Which people might be loathe to do given the recent paper about deanon hidden services seeming to be relatively doable. At least until those issues are solved...
of the system. After 6 months (or so) the naming will stabilize and be (mostly) consistent month-to-month, but how do we guarantee that a
...not if people are replacing their network address every month.
[perhaps to avoid some small deanon risk till then?]
This shouldn't be a problem if the service id (onion address) remains the same across IP address changes. If the HS is stable then, as far as I understand this system, it should maintain its name.
Meant 'network address' refer to onion (the anon system net addr), not the realworld IP.
One such obvious scheme that exists today is your host simply routing packets out its tunnel interfaces resident on respective Tor / I2P / Phantom IPv6 address space to some such services.
Then anything, or set of things with unique addressing amongst
if they want it... on top of the provided secure network addressing.