As a late follow-up, for the archives...
Nick Mathewson wrote on 9/25/12 09:36:
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 4:13 AM, Christian Kujau wrote:
while trying to compile the latest git-checkout against openssl-1.0.2, I've come across the following issues:
While this is really an issue with openssl, I wanted to have this documented, just in case anybody else tries the same. If someone knows of a better workaround (i.e. compiling just tortls.c with -Wno-error and everything else with -Werror), please share! :-)
So, -Werror isn't supposed to be on by default; you only get that if you configure with --enable-gcc-warnings. You can get all the warnings, but with -Werror disabled, by using --enable-gcc-warnings-advisory instead.
Yes, --enable-gcc-warnings-advisory helps - thanks!
A bit later, compilation stops again:
CCLD src/or/tor src/common/libor-crypto.a(aes.o): In function `aes_crypt': aes.c:(.text+0x860): undefined reference to `CRYPTO_ctr128_encrypt'
Well that's certainly annoying. If you're not feeling hackerish, I'd suggest backing off to openssl the openssl 1.0.1 branch, which has actually been, y'know, released. (There's no released openssl 1.0.2 version yet, right?) But if you're willing to hack the Tor code, you might be able to make CAN_USE_OPENSSL_CTR always undefined in aes.c, and make USE_EVP_AES_CTR always defined, so that Tor doesn't even consider using the CRYPTO_ implementation.
At first I felt hackerish and tried your suggestion, but then I realized that although I used --with-openssl-dir=/opt/openssl, the compilation process made use of my already installed libssl-dev package and stopped with the error above. Uninstalling my distro's openssl development libraries helped and latest Tor compiles against the latest openssl CVS checkout. yay!
Thanks for replying & sorry for my late response, Christian.