Watson Ladd:
On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 6:29 PM Chelsea Holland Komlo me@chelseakomlo.com wrote:
There are a couple approaches to consider.
POW via hashing goes for a relatively simple to implement approach. However, this incurs a high cost for all clients, and also environmental damage, per previous email.
Another approach similar to the above (but more environmentally friendly) can be Proof of Storage (or proof of space), as in https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/796.pdf
With both of the above approaches, there will be a tradeoff to what the cost is to deter a would-be attacker, versus the cost to real but bandwidth/cpu limited clients, such as on mobile platforms.
More involved approaches include anonymous blacklists/whitelists, blinded tokens, etc. Previous work has been done in this space, here is one example: https://crysp.uwaterloo.ca/courses/pet/F11/cache/www-users.cs.umn.edu/~hoppe...
Privacy Pass has already been integrated into Tor Browser. Perhaps work could be done to use it here?
Where do you see that is has been integrated? As far as I know that's not the case even though there are still plans to evaluate the latest iteration closer to get a better understanding about whether it would be good to integrate it.