I'm happy to announce txtorcon 23.5.0 with the following changes:
* twisted.web.client.Agent instances now use the same HTTPS policy by default as twisted.web.client.Agent. It is possible to override this policy with the tls_context_factory= argument, the equivalent to Agent's contextFactory= (Thanks to Itamar Turner-Trauring) * Added support + testing for Python 3.11. * No more ipaddress dependency
You can download the release from PyPI or GitHub (or of course "pip install txtorcon"):
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txtorcon/23.5.0 https://github.com/meejah/txtorcon/releases/tag/v23.5.0
Releases are also available from the hidden service:
http://fjblvrw2jrxnhtg67qpbzi45r7ofojaoo3orzykesly2j3c2m3htapid.onion/txtorc... http://fjblvrw2jrxnhtg67qpbzi45r7ofojaoo3orzykesly2j3c2m3htapid.onion/txtorc...
You can verify the sha256sum of both by running the following 4 lines in a shell wherever you have the files downloaded:
cat <<EOF | sha256sum --check 93fd80a9dd505f698d0864fe93db8b6a9c1144b5feb91530820b70ed8982651c dist/txtorcon-23.5.0.tar.gz 987f0a91184f98cc3f0a7eccaa42f5054063744d6ac15e325cfa666403214208 dist/txtorcon-23.5.0-py3-none-any.whl EOF
thanks, meejah