I could see the advantages in that if there was a high degree of involvement in this area
It could be that since the content is somewhat triplicated over the three urls, no one knows where to join in, how, who to contact, etc. Wiki is a mess overall.
However, in practice I'm the sole person keeping the page updated.
Gap between v72 and v73: 10 months. Iirc this wiki came out of a dev meeting where folks wanted to enumerate everything we had. The volunteer page does a better job of this nowadays.
The static site allows a nicer presentation
Artwork over content perhaps.
Not sure what you're trying to say, but I'd argue the content on the site is way better too. ;)
The wiki I cited is pretty old - is there anything from it we want to keep?
What will become of all the then orphaned wiki pages be rehomed to what listpage? Where then will the unofficial unfunded or unbacked projects on there be listed?
This is a fair point. As you mentioned the wiki is a mess. I'm biased to drop unmaintained pages, especially if it's a duplicate, but I can't say I care very strongly.
I'll leave it alone and just continue to maintain the volunteer page.
Cheers! -Damian