Nicholas Hopper writes:
On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 5:04 PM, Nicholas Hopper wrote:
Another thought: we also should investigate how various thresholds affect the relationship between the cumulative guard weight total and the total exit weight.
Well, that turns out not to be a real issue: even if we set the guard threshold to 20MBps, the total guard weight still exceeds the total exit weight.
Here is a chart showing what fraction of total guard bandwidth is retained as we vary the guard threshold from 0 to 10MBps:
And here's a chart showing what fraction of clients will choose the highest (max%) and median (median%) guards as we vary the threshold over the same range:
2MBps and 6MBps look like interesting points on the curves.
Thanks, these are useful graphs.
And here is another one with the number of guard nodes over different cutoff values:
We will want to choose a cutoff value that doesn't discard too many guard nodes.