On Mon, Sep 01, 2014 at 04:33:34PM +0000, David Stainton wrote:
Dear merc1984@f-m.fm,
Is DNSSEC is not evil? To me it seems like the 1984 of domain name systems... Please take a good look at the political implications of DNSSEC. I personally do not understand why this Tor Project spec includes mention of DNSSEC: https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob/HEAD:/proposals/219-expanded-...
Can we use djb's DNSCurve instead of DNSSEC? Perhaps I misunderstand the situation and the difference between DNSCurve and DNSSEC. Perhaps "ZOMG someone is wrong on the Internet!" will spark someone else's interest in correcting me here in this discussion. I personally think that people mentioning DNSSEC on tor communications channels must either have an agenda to help the US government gain more control of the Internet... or they must be trolls. But maybe I am totally wrong about this. I'd be interested in hearing a correction if I am wrong... and does this mean the DJB is also wrong? =-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNSCurve
Yeah, he is troll or/and NSA's agent :) He's already got the answer exactly the same as yours, from two people from tor-talk: 1. https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob/HEAD:/proposals/219-expanded-... 2. DNSSEC is suck, not security technology.
to merc1984@f-m.fm, is it act of sabotage? Stop it or I will come for you! ;)