On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 01:23:03AM -0700, vmonmoonshine@gmail.com wrote:
If ST get a page with a short explanation and a link to its ticket (like Flashproxy does) maybe attracts more attention.
We should definitely put a page like that up. Let us know if we can do anything to help! :)
(asn or I or others can do the website commit)
I think we (you? :) should work on a TBB bundle (like the other pluggable transport bundles people are working on) that ships the simplest most efficient steg module(s) we've got, so Stegotorus can get some actual users and start collecting usability/crash/etc bug reports.
I bet Alexandre et al would be happy to bundle in another thing, with their current obfsproxy-and-flashproxy bundle.
How big an issue is https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7153 to such a combined bundle?
and further development by SRI is complicated by their pub review requirement (which alas applies to their code contributions too).
I don't know about this "pub review requirement". Could you give a ref to read more about it?
Their relationship with their funder means that the funder wants 30 days of warning before they publish anything (papers or source code). Also, the funder can tell them not to publish something (though in practice they probably won't ever tell them that).
Fortunately, Tor has no such constraint (if we did, we would probably try to arrange it so nothing we publish was written "because of" the funding, and turn down the funding if that failed).