On 07/18/2015 01:33 PM, Wendy Seltzer wrote:
We have https://www.torproject.org/docs/documentation.html.en#DesignDoc which points to
https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/tor-spec.txt https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/rend-spec.txt etc.
Do you think we need a new and different page?
*** Hi Wendy,
this would provide consistent and stable URIs and demonstrate goodwill to the IETF, that you're taking into account the "major" and "minor" issues <corp>, using foresight to establish a long-term paradigm towards global stability <snark>and enlightenment of all netizens <ripper>in the purity of essence of all our precious bodily fluids</ripper></snark></corp>*.
In order to make referencing Tor specifications more consistent--a pointer to a git repository is hardly seen as stable, I recommend using https://torproject.org/spec as a base URL, and to include the following anchors:
#tor-protocol #tor-directory #tor-control #tor-rendezvous #tor-path #tor-address #tor-socks-ext #tor-version
A description list could be used, e.g.:
<dl> <dt id="tor-protocol"><a href="https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/tor-spec.txt">Tor-Protocol</a><dt> <dd>This is the main specification for Tor. It describes the Tor Protocol's current implementation.</dd>
... </dl>
Then IETF working documents could use:
[Tor-Protocol]: https://torproject.org/spec#tor-protocol
etc., without the need to update any published IETF documents related to Tor even when the Tor specs have reached RFC status. Note that since RFC 7258, there seems to be a growing interest in citing Tor in IETF documents. :)
== hk
* I know, I know, the HTML spec doesn't allow snark elements within corp elements. Take it easy :)