The "meek" pluggable transport has started getting some users since my blog post two weeks ago ( See the attached file userstats-bridge-transport-meek-2014-08-01-2014-08-29.png. Today I logged in to the Google and Amazon accounts to see what the usage looks like. Here is a summary. In short, App Engine cost $1.02 this month, and Amazon cost $2.54.
meek-appspot-2014-08-29.png shows the Google App Engine bytes/second for the month of August. App Engine costs $0.12 per GB, with 1 GB for free each day. It's finally at the point where it's costing money every day:
All of January 2014: $ -- All of February 2014: $0.10 All of March 2014: $ -- All of April 2014: $0.83 All of May 2014: $0.75 All of June 2014: $0.73 All of July 2014: $0.59 August 2014 to date: $1.02
Total to date $4.02
Here are daily totals in the past two weeks:
2014-08-14 $ -- 2014-08-15 $ -- 2014-08-16 $ -- 2014-08-17 $ -- 2014-08-18 $0.09 2014-08-19 $0.00 2014-08-20 $0.04 2014-08-21 $0.07 2014-08-22 $0.09 2014-08-23 $0.07 2014-08-24 $0.03 2014-08-25 $0.09 2014-08-26 $0.19 2014-08-27 $0.07 2014-08-28 $0.28
meek-aws-2014-08-29.png shows the AWS megabytes per day (note that the y-axis is different from the other graph so they are not directly comparable). The charges break down quite differently: there's no cost for bandwidth so far, and all the charges are for the sheer number of HTTPS requests. The Amazon bill is broken down by region:
Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region $0.0090 per 10,000 HTTP Requests 3 Requests $0.01 Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region $ -- EU (Ireland) Region $ -- South America (Sao Paulo) Region $ -- Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region $0.0090 per 10,000 HTTP Requests 38 Requests $0.01 US East (Northern Virginia) Region $0.0100 per 10,000 Proxy HTTPS Requests (US) 2,513,557 Requests $2.51 $0.0075 per 10,000 HTTP Requests 3 Requests $0.01
Total to date $2.54
David Fifield
Here's the previous summary for August 2014: The numbers in this message are little higher because last time the month wasn't quite over.
August 2014: $1.63 for App Engine, $3.10 for Amazon September 2014: $3.85 for App Engine, $4.59 for Amazon, $0.00 for Azure
The App Engine report still doesn't have a record for September 30, so it's probably a little low. meek-appspot-2014-10-01.png shows bytes/second for the last 30 days.
Last month I gave a misleading impression of the Amazon bill. I only reported the line items that had a non-zero charge, which made it look like only one CDN region (US East) was being used. Actually the other regions were being used too, but the number of requests didn't rise above the threshold where it started to cost money. The thresholds and rates are different for each region. Here's this month's bill, with request numbers for each region. This time, the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region also had a non-negligible fraction of the cost.
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 1400K requests $0.04 Asia Pacific (Sydney) 80K requests $0.00 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 900K requests $0.91 EU (Ireland) 400K requests $0.01 South America (Sao Paulo) 0K requests $0.00 US East (Northern Virginia) 3600K requests $3.63
I don't think you can directly infer where users tend to be from these figures either. I think it has to do with changing ongoing cost optimization, which data center you get routed to. There might also be a bias because for most of the month, the Tor relay behind the CDN was in the U.S. meek-amazon-2014-10-01.png shows megabytes/day for September.
Azure is currently running on a free trial for a year. I couldn't figure out how to get it to show a graph for the last month, but meek-azure-2014-10-01.png shows megabytes/hour for the last seven days.
David Fifield