whonixcheck is a diagnostic utility that can be run on demand. Not a Tor controller, that is supposed to be run continuously. It checks things such as if Tor's pid is running, bootstrap status, DisableNetwork 1, tor --verify-config and more.
There is one thing in the logs, that would be worth notify a user about it:
[warn] Our clock is 4 hours, 47 minutes behind the time published in the consensus network status document
[or clock too fast]
Now, parsing the log sounds like an unclean solution.
Tor control protocol can tell about CLOCK_SKEW, but it's "only" an event. And "event" sounds to me, only a controller that is continuously running would be capable to learn about it.
Is it possible to use stem for something like:, "Tor, tell me right now about your latest info on current clock skew"? Similar to tor_bootstrap_check.py?
Cheers, Patrick
[1] https://github.com/Whonix/anon-shared-helper-scripts/blob/master/usr/lib/ano...
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 9:12 AM, Patrick Schleizer adrelanos@riseup.net wrote:
[warn] Our clock is 4 hours, 47 minutes behind the time published in the
Is it possible to use stem for something like:, "Tor, tell me right now about your latest info on current clock skew"? Similar to
Well if it doesn't exist and someone wants to implement it, please include in the control line a raw diff field in seconds so people don't have to do hr/min conversions in their scripts.