Orbot 16.0.6-BETA-1-tor- https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/releases/tag/16.0.6-BETA-1-tor- https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/releases/tag/16.0.6-BETA-1-tor-
is out (binaries on Github for now) for testing, specifically on Android Q.
It is built on a new release of:
tor-android-binary-tor- https://github.com/n8fr8/tor-android/releases/tag/tor-android-binary-tor- https://github.com/n8fr8/tor-android/releases/tag/tor-android-binary-tor-0.3...
This now uses the method of bundling the tor executable as a tor.so library, allowing the Android runtime to unpack them into the /data/libs read-only space within the app's private directory. We then can just execute it there, without needing to unpack it, copy it, etc.
The word is that this will work on Android Q still. I have tested on an emulator, but not a real device yet. I don't have a Pixel of any kind, at the moment, so please let me know if you do and can test.
Otherwise, we are working to move tor and other important binaries, like obfs4proxy, into actual in-process libraries. We've recently made great progress with this on our iOS work with Onion Browser, and so it should now be possible on Android.
New commits below....
ATTENTION ANDROID Q / PIXEL TEST USERS: We've made changes just for you! WARNING: Meek/Obfs4 bridges WILL NOT work on Android Q yet, just plain Tor
fb14c76 https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/fb14c76c3a75977af9e86887b54dad5d15ae254e fixed strings with two many \ escapes 4557577 https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/455757726d519ac56cd53eaed29c3abef25707d4 updating to tor- to add support for Android Q 22d5ffd https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/22d5ffdf8bc3d51bb014e319d9f1e6b2ecb3e840 update gradle tools 76796fe https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/76796fea83ef7efe3e33f6f5862fd71171a70cdd Merge pull request #200 https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/pull/200 from eighthave/fastlane-supply 6ba0cec https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/6ba0ceccbde67310c22fc9fa4e0dc88d932740f5 add .gitlab-ci.yml setup with errorprone 3face00 https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/3face00a66874afb793470922e381a9e463b116c build gradle to 4.4.1, and make gradlew verify the download 69bd7fe https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/69bd7fe9e6fd0fcde92ea53dd6236e50f7b37017 move app store graphics into fdroid/fastlane file layout f93c11e https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/f93c11e74599cc24c7467d58ba0fc81c38c3c496 Merge pull request #190 https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/pull/190 from SkewedZeppelin/master 8ab13f6 https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/8ab13f63a6f529d97816568170e02a1bced3c186 Fixup bad indentation from 6e4b700 https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/6e4b7008035b2bf1a9035b730aad178bfd424f85 12b91c4 https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/12b91c44f3af675dd0db5a3bacbf232c0f8d61f4 Expose PreferIPv6 and NoIPv4Traffic options 8ad7668 https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/8ad7668013a7291b98cf8689cd99961db69f8ed3 Move Google repo above jcenter d4befad https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/d4befad117f3485f0aa67b2ce44d3f1b13de2720 cleanup and binary loading fixes