Given a contemporary release of Tor with a contemporary version of OpenSSL, under what circumstances is the intrinsic curve25519_donna() preferred over the libsodium/NaCl crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(), or vice versa?
Does it come down to 32-bit vs. 64-bit? Or CPU instruction sets detected at build time?
Or has libsodium/NaCl been deprecated altogether and just not removed from the configure script?
I'm trying to determine if installation of libsodium in a Tor build environment will yield a "better" Tor binary.
On Tue, 4 Aug 2015 17:55:51 -0400 (EDT) "Steve Snyder" wrote:
Given a contemporary release of Tor with a contemporary version of OpenSSL, under what circumstances is the intrinsic curve25519_donna() preferred over the libsodium/NaCl crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(), or vice versa?
A quick peek at the libsodium code reveals that it uses curve25519-donna (64 bit targets), and ref10 (32 bit targets?).
Standard Tor uses curve25519-donna for both. I *think* donna's 32 bit code should out perform ref10, so libsodium is pointless.
djb's NaCl might have assembly versions that are faster, but the difference doesn't look massive.
Does it come down to 32-bit vs. 64-bit? Or CPU instruction sets detected at build time?
Or has libsodium/NaCl been deprecated altogether and just not removed from the configure script?
I think mostly this, at this point. Deprecating it might make sense, since libsodium is basically never going to outperform donna, and it's not practical to use libsodium/NaCl for Ed25519 due to Tor specific changes that would be required.
I'm trying to determine if installation of libsodium in a Tor build environment will yield a "better" Tor binary.
If libsodium, then no. If djb's NaCl then *maybe*, but the difference in practice will probably be fairly negligible (NB: discussing 64 bit platforms. 32 bit platform performance is somewhat non-interesting to me, so I haven't measured things in depth).
I'm planning on revisiting this issue at some point, but last I looked into it, using an assembly optimized Curve25519 implementation was potentially a 7-10% gain (but is neither from libsodium nor djb NaCl).