For DNS timeouts, the X and Y are consensus parameters (overload_dns_timeout_scale_percent and overload_dns_timeout_period_secs) defined in param-spec.txt.
should one be able to find these parameters (overload_dns_timeout_scale_percent and overload_dns_timeout_period_secs) on https://consensus-health.torproject.org/#consensusparams or in https://collector.torproject.org/recent/relay-descriptors/consensuses/
or is this not yet deployed? What are the values of these parameters currently?
thanks, nusenu
On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 4:39 PM nusenu nusenu-lists@riseup.net wrote:
For DNS timeouts, the X and Y are consensus parameters (overload_dns_timeout_scale_percent and overload_dns_timeout_period_secs) defined in param-spec.txt.
should one be able to find these parameters (overload_dns_timeout_scale_percent and overload_dns_timeout_period_secs) on https://consensus-health.torproject.org/#consensusparams or in https://collector.torproject.org/recent/relay-descriptors/consensuses/
or is this not yet deployed? What are the values of these parameters currently?
Every network parameter has a default value; IIUC, unless at least three authorities are voting for some value, everybody will use the default. It's normal for the authorities not to vote for a different value if they all think the default is reasonable.
The default for these parameters is in param-spec.txt at https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torspec/-/blob/main/param-spec.txt#L1...
Nick Mathewson:
Every network parameter has a default value; IIUC, unless at least three authorities are voting for some value, everybody will use the default. It's normal for the authorities not to vote for a different value if they all think the default is reasonable.
The default for these parameters is in param-spec.txt at https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torspec/-/blob/main/param-spec.txt#L1...
thank you Nick for explaining this, nusenu