Here's the summary of meek's CDN fees for November 2014. Earlier reports:
If you're just tuning in, meek is a pluggable transport introduced a few months ago.
App Engine + Amazon + Azure = total by month February 2014 $0.09 + -- + -- = $0.09 March 2014 $0.00 + -- + -- = $0.00 April 2014 $0.73 + -- + -- = $0.73 May 2014 $0.69 + -- + -- = $0.69 June 2014 $0.65 + -- + -- = $0.65 July 2014 $0.56 + $0.00 + -- = $0.56 August 2014 $1.56 + $3.10 + -- = $4.66 September 2014 $4.02 + $4.59 + $0.00 = $8.61 October 2014 $40.85 + $130.29 + $0.00 = $171.14 November 2014 $224.65 + $362.60 + $0.00 = $587.25 -- total by CDN $273.80 + $500.58 + $0.00 = $774.38 grand total
Average usage (by count of simultaneous users) was about 3.04× greater in November than in the October (750 users per day versus 247). See the attached userstats-bridge-transport-meek-2014-09-01-2014-11-30.png.
The number of users was 3.04× according to Tor Metrics, but the cost for meek-google was 5.50× and meek-amazon was 2.78×. A possible explanation is that in addition to gaining more users, each user is also using more bandwidth. App Engine bandwidth was up 4.76× compared to last month and Amazon bandwidth was up only 2.65×.
== App Engine a.k.a. meek-google ==
Google is migrating App Engine accounts to their new "Cloud Platform." Because I had to create a new Cloud Platform account, I got a free trial credit of $300. For technical reasons (relating to the Cloud Platform migration) I couldn't apply the credit until November 11. Up to then, we had been charged $75.70 for the month. The remaining $148.95 was paid by the credit. After this one, I have another $500 credit, which should get us into the new year.
Here is how the costs broke down: 1375 GB $165.10 1191 instance hours $59.55 The attached meek-google-costs-2014-12-01.png shows the breakdown of costs between bandwidth and instance hours for the last few months.
The attached meek-google-2014-12-01.png shows B/s for the month. There's a nice visible daily and weekly cycle.
== Amazon a.k.a. meek-amazon ==
The Amazon bill breaks down in a complicated way by region.
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 76M requests $91.43 500 GB $75.34 Asia Pacific (Sydney) 245K requests $0.01 1 GB $0.25 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 27M requests $33.05 160 GB $26.23 EU (Ireland) 50M requests $58.34 490 GB $51.78 South America (Sao Paulo) 450K requests $0.00 3 GB $0.06 US East (Northern Virginia) 13M requests $13.12 115 GB $12.99 -- total 167M requests $195.95 1269 GB $166.65
== Azure a.k.a. meek-azure ==
Azure is still on a free grant for a year. Unfortunately I don't see a way to find out what it would be costing or even get a report of monthly bandwidth usage.
The attached meek-azure-2014-12-01.png shows GB/hour for the last seven days of the month.
David Fifield