Hi there,
I'm working with some folks to compile a list of most active official and community projects we have. There are some projects listed on our volunteer page[1] but I'm not confident if the list is complete or even up to date. Please have a look at that page and let me know if your project is listed and it's not up to date, and definitely let me know if it's not listed at all.
So if you've recently wrote a Tor library in a language only 5 people on this planet know about, this is a good chance for you to let us know of your project. :)
Here's the information I need from you:
Name of the project, along with a paragraph explaining the significance of the project and why it matters. Link to the project, and name or the handle of the maintainer.
Examples: ======================================================================
## Stem Stem is a Python controller library for Tor. With it you can use Tor's control protocol to script against the Tor process.
https://stem.torproject.org/ maintainer: atagar
## OONI A free software, global observation network for detecting censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the internet.
https://ooni.torproject.org maintainer: ooni-team
[1] https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en#Projects
Alternatively we can create a new wiki page just for this projects, until #16576 is resolved. Except I'm only looking for active projects at this point.
Happy Friday!
Nima Fatemi:
Hi there,
I'm putting tails-dev in copy only once so they know that this discussion is happening.
I'm working with some folks to compile a list of most active official and community projects we have. There are some projects listed on our volunteer page[1]
but I'm not confident if the list is complete or even up to date. Please have a look at that page and let me know if your project is listed and it's not up to date, and definitely let me know if it's not listed at all.
Regarding Tails and our subprojects.
a. I would replace "The Amnesia Incognito Live System" with "Tails" as the name of the project at https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en#project-tails.
b. I would change the description to:
« Tails is a live operating system that you can start from a USB stick or a DVD. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace by default. »
c. If you think it's relevant you could add Onion Circuits to the list. It's the replacement of the network map of Vidalia in Tails but lives as an standalone Debian package:
- Name: Onion Circuits - Category: User Interface - Language: Python/Gtk - Activity: Light - Maintainer: alant, Tails - Code: https://git-tails.immerda.ch/onioncircuits/ - Doc: https://tails.boum.org/doc/anonymous_internet/tor_status/ - Debian: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/onioncircuits. - Description: Taken from the Debian package:
« Onion Circuits is a GTK+ application to display Tor circuits and streams. It allows the user to inspect the circuits the locally running Tor daemon has built, along with some metadata for each node. »
There are some projects listed on our volunteer page[1] but I'm not confident if the list is complete or even up to date.
Hi Nima, I maintain the volunteer page, curating its information every few months. It indeed isn't a complete list of all-the-things but that's only because folks don't often send me patches.
I'm not sure I see the point of having this wiki in addition to the volunteer page but that said, maybe we should *move* it to the wiki? Other folks might then be less shy about adding to it.
The goal of the volunteer page is to list all the spots we'd like to have help, guiding potential volunteers to a project that matches their interests. This is why it emphasizes language, activity, and a point of contact.
How does this jive with the goal of your wiki? Should these be combined or stay separate.
Cheers! -Damian
PS. As discussed on irc listing projects as being 'official' verses 'community' is something we've avoided in the past. Doing so means you'll need to define what an 'official' project is and by making that distinction people will want it as a badge of honor. Imho this is a pointless waste of time which is why the volunteer page makes no distinction.
Nima Fatemi transcribed 4.1K bytes:
Here's the information I need from you:
Name of the project, along with a paragraph explaining the significance of the project and why it matters. Link to the project, and name or the handle of the maintainer.
## BridgeDB
BridgeDB is a system of databases and servers for distributing Tor bridges. It is written largely in Twisted Python.
developer documentation: https://pythonhosted.org/bridgedb/ maintainer: isis
(As a side note, I should probably find somewhere to put that documentation that is not some random python org site.)
ROFLCopTor aims to be an exhaustive Tor control port filter daemon written in golang. https://github.com/subgraph/roflcoptor maintainer: David Stainton
The Tor control port exposes powerful functionality, much more authority than most applications need when they talk to the Tor control port. In accordance with the principal of least authority [1] each software module would ideally have authority over only the resources needed to perform it's tasks. Here in the context of ROFLCopTor, we seek to illiminate excess authority from applications which utilize the Tor control port, therefore they will not be in the debian-tor group or otherwise have access to the tor control port UNIX domain socket or TCP listener. The only available access to the tor control port being via ROFLCoptor which exposes a TCP listener and or a UNIX domain socket. Applications can be allowed to authenticate with ROFLCoptor but this isn't necessary because the filtration policy is applied based on the client application's exec path which is discovered by matching the socket inode via the Linux proc filesystem.
[1] - The Structure of Authority: Why Security Is not a Separable Concern http://www.erights.org/talks/no-sep/secnotsep.pdf
On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 06:19:13PM +0000, isis agora lovecruft wrote:
Nima Fatemi transcribed 4.1K bytes:
Here's the information I need from you:
Name of the project, along with a paragraph explaining the significance of the project and why it matters. Link to the project, and name or the handle of the maintainer.
## carml carml is a collection of command-line utilities related to controlling and monitoring Tor. Plays nicely with normal CLI tools like grep, less etc. Monitor stream, circuit activitiy, build custom circuits, attach streams by hand, turn on Tor's debug logging briefly, securely download TBB, plot relays on xplanet, etc.
https://carml.readthedocs.org maintainer: meejah
=== remoTor is a whole lot smarter than last time now. ===
When remoTor is running on the same machine as tor, it can now also monitor the hostnames the tor process is building circuits for. You may want to do this if you have devices in your house that you don't trust, for example. The regular Tor control protocol doesn't let you have this information other than by continously polling the stream status, and even then you may miss out on some short exfiltration going on. remoTor lets you have this information and even lets you study it later rather than having to keep your eyes on the control console all the time.
Also, a person at the remoTor console can now interact with the people in the chatroom using the built-in chat. No PSYC software is complete if it isn't also a chat client. You can also forward the hostname monitoring information to that chatroom, or simply use a 'psyclisten' if you don't like to install an entire psyced server. psyclisten is provided with the perlpsyc library. Or you can simply ignore this feature.
remoTor and psycion now have their own web pages generated out of perldoc: http://perlpsyc.cheettyiapsyciew.onion/remotor http://perlpsyc.cheettyiapsyciew.onion/psycion
On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 11:04:55PM +0000, Nima Fatemi wrote:
Here's the information I need from you:
Name of the project, along with a paragraph explaining the significance of the project and why it matters. Link to the project, and name or the handle of the maintainer
## remoTor
remoTor is a console-based Tor controller and log analyzer with optional chat notification.
http://perlpsyc.cheettyiapsyciew.onion/remotor maintainer: vonlynX
Happy Friday!
Thank you, Nima.
## RelayAwards"RelayAwards is a competition for Tor-relay operators! Compete against your friends, your family or why not yourself?" - We started this website because we believe that competition can make more operators improve their relay by following best practice. This would make the whole Tor-network better if we have straight guidelines.
We are planning to develop RelayAwards. We have come far but have many things in out head that we want to implement. Everything is open source and we gladly receive issues via github!
https://www.relayawards.com/ and http://relaynhjfhqigvmm.onion/ maintainer: chloe (@dotchloe)
Kind regards, Chloe