On 02/07/2016 10:41 AM, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) - lists wrote:
Years ago there where the so called "Exit Enclaves" https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ExitEnclave but those where abandoned.
That approach was quite cool, because the end-users would had been able to just avoid using onion addresses, but keep using internet addresses having the very same security properties.
It would be very nice to restore the exit-enclaves concept, reshaping it in this new context, so that end-users on Tor Browser could just hist www.website.com and, if that website support Tor, his traffic will go directly to him as an Exit node.
I was wondering the same when I saw the instructions published by mailbox.org last week: https://support.mailbox.org/knowledge-base/article/der-tor-exit-node-von-mai... (German)
They operate an exit relay, and suggest to use MapAddress statements and the exit notation to use their exit for *.mailbox.org. I didn't see this previously, and they also don't explicitly enable exit notation, so I wondered if that actually works.
This requires manual client-side configuration, but the one-sided ability to draw traffic for a certain IP (range) to your exit like with exit enclaves is also not a good property, right?