On 31 Jan 2016 11:07 a.m., "Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) - lists" <lists@infosecurity.ch> wrote:
> Regarding massive scale deployment, there is this limit actually
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/15251

That's a really interesting issue. 

I have not considered a use-case where a single daemon would have possibly many hundreds, if not thousands, of Onion addresses.

I can't see a short or medium-term use-case for a single daemon serving 1000s of Onions (compare: how many servers with thousands of specific, enumerated IPv4 addresses?) but with Prop224 and changes in use-case (messaging gateways) certainly it can't be ruled out.

The model I'm most interested in is simpler: a modest number of high-throughput addresses, perhaps each served by an independent daemon, publishing a shared address with OnionBalance. 

This is quite similar to popular DSR (Direct Server Return) loadbalancing architectures.

Especially if tvdw's work in rendezvous-handoff works out okay, then this seems a good medium-perhaps-long-term strategy for web service deployment on Onions.  Likely OnionBalance on its own would suffice for a year or more.


> > - web-server config
> I feel that on Apache there should be an application module, like
> mod_tor, that once enabled will allow to do something like "OnionService
> on" in the <VirtualHost> directive, having the rest happening in a
> auto-magic way.

That's awesome!  I look forward to seeing it.
