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On Mon, 11 Jan 2016 11:03:32 +0100 Jens Kubieziel maillist@kubieziel.de wrote:
If I'm the only one that thinks travel would be excessive, then please don't let me be the person that keeps this from moving forward (esp since I will be moving internationally again RSN).
That said, going from East-Asia to Jena would comfortably exceed 30 h of total travel time, and I don't see myself being in any condition to navigate a train system to get to a hotel.
If it makes it easier, you're welcome to fly into Berlin a day or two before, and I can give you a couch to crash on and get your train ticket for you. (And the invitation for train tickets and travel assistance extends to everyone, but I only have one couch.)
What do you think? Should we move this idea forward?
But, like I said, I'm indifferent since I'm moving. Though West Coast US is on the candidate lists for some inexplicable reason, so travel from there is likely to be fairly painful to most of Europe...
It's hard to get *anywhere* from the left coast…
Where should we hold meetings instead? Only major cities?
South America and Australia take to long for the majority of people to get to. If we did Africa… no offense to Africa or you all, but I feel like I'd be hearing all of you complain all week about how shitty the internet connections are… so that's out. That leaves North America (which a bunch of people don't feel safe going to, and which one other person can't leave), Europe, and possibly Asia. (Except Asia means we fly nearly everyone there.)
Although, I'm probably least inconvienenced by holding the meeting in Jena, so I defer to others who would be more inconvenienced… it seems likely that the benefits of having free venue would outweigh the costs of getting train tickets for everyone from the nearest major city. It's about 100€ for five people to go from Berlin ←→ Jena by train, so in total this would add a cost of a few thousand euros. (Compare to the last meeting, where I think we paid something like 18.000€ for renting the meeting space.)