Notes for May 2 2019 meeting:
Nick: 1) Coding, hacking, time is moving forward. 2) spoke at MIT 6.858 about Tor; got some student interest
Steph: 1) We have a small fundraiser happening in NYC May 14 with help of a volunteer. I got our eventbrite page set up, and it is being shared among the cryptocurrency community in town for Ethereum Summit. 2) Talking with Blockchain Association of Africa tomorrow — they want to explore a partnership 3) Newsletter went out this week 4) Published Google Season of Docs post
Sarah: 1) We continue to bring in more cryptocurrency donations. We are up to over $54k since 3/1. 2) Newsletter to sponsors will go out today, pending Isa’s final approval. 3) Hoping monthly donor page will go live today or tomorrow and I’ll send out invite to ~1,000 people who have given in the recent past. 4) Changes to DRL proposal for the anti-censorship team were submitted. 5) Drafting letter to for-profits explaining the ways in which they can help Tor. 6) Meeting with Georgia from SimplySecure today to talk about funding opportunities.
Antonela: 1) Working on wrapping up OONI Explore for MOSS delivery 2) Working on #30000, OTF 3) Working on #27399, #29955 TBA 4) Writing peer-reviews 5) Coordinating user research reporting with Caroline for Q1, travels for Q2, Nah reporting from Colombia 6) Synced with SimplySecure about NoScript redesign 7) Will meet with OKThanks about tpi/tpo brand future 8) Made a visual proposal for the Defenders of Privacy campaign 9) Worked on [Donate Now] changes on 10) Writing a recap about the L10n lab design summit we ran before IFF
Mike: 1) tor-scalability meeting work 2) Finishing up Sponsor2 for Tor 0.4.1
Karsten: 1) Have a working CollecTor branch that archives bandwidth files. Still needs review and should be deployed in ~1.5 weeks from now. 2) Discussed a couple of OnionPerf improvements that will provide more detailed results from existing measurements, including better error codes and partial completion timestamps.
Georg: 1) We plan to release Tor Browser 8.5 in the coming days if all goes well 2) More coordination with HackerOne about our bug bounty program 3) Feedback mails 4) Roger: what's up with your tor-security list considerations? [I think we should either remove me from the list, or strip the encryption part of the list. I find it unmanageable with the spam and my gpg set up, so I don't read it. -RD]
isabela: 1) preparing for Board meeting on Friday (may 3) 2) preparing for meeting with MDF on Friday (may 3) 3) reviewed grant proposals and all copy related to our launch of the monthly donors program 4) working on a 'vintage sale' type of promotion for folks who haven't donated yet to Tor (old swags spring clean) 5) waiting list invites for dev meeting are late - but they will be sent out soon
Gaba: 1) looking at the call for researchers from moz to work on performance at Tor 2) s27 report 3) following wrap up work at ooni 4) trying to setup monthly retrospective at the network team
Roger: 1) Finishing up usenix security reviews and shepherding (this week was the PC meeting). That saga finally finishes this week. (I declined my invite for next year.) 2) I submitted a defcon talk, which involves encouraging Cecylia and Philipp to make some solid usability progress on pluggable transport things by August. 3) I started encouraging us to post a blog post about the Mozilla performance research grants, but somebody still needs to move that forward. [coordinating with steph --gaba] 4) It looks like all three of the us (me, Cecylia, Philipp) will be going to the RACE kickoff meeting. I figure that's our best chance of figuring out what RACE is, and influencing it into being most useful to us. 5) I'm going to answer an NYU ITP guest lecture invite for Monday night, with yes. If anybody in NYC area wants to join, let me know! [i'm interested -steph]
Sue: 1) General accounting processes
Erin: 1) Finishing up with OONI dev recruiting 2) general HR stuff
Pili: 1) S9 Phase 3 Workplan 2) Google Season of Docs - We got accepted! - Started answering a few GSoD enquiries
Arturo: 1) Working hard on OONI Explorer 2) Working towards OONI Probe mobile 2.1.0 release with measurement upload support