On 19 May 2018, at 08:51, Taylor Yu catalyst@torproject.org wrote:
I guess I have a different bias. I would find it helpful if we gave people the option to display their pronouns in a standardized way.
I want it to be easy for other people to find my pronouns.
When I go to check someone's pronouns, it helps to have them in a standard place.
People are unlikely to guess my correct pronouns, unless they're in the habit of using they/them pronouns by default.
Me too! (I used to use "he", now I use "they".)
Until recently, it was more likely than not for someone to guess my gender or pronouns in a direction that would hurt me.
I've found that people who have already made assumptions about someone's gender are likely to disregard that person's pronouns if those pronouns are used only in running text, as opposed to being displayed in some more explicit way. I personally feel more comfortable announcing my pronouns if other people also announce theirs (which they are free to do or not as they feel comfortable).
I think we can support both options.
If we make pronouns optional, and have a place in the header: * some people can use the header * some people can use the description * and others can use neither (or both).
teor pronouns: they/them