Right now the donations alias is used for too many things. For example, whenever someone makes a Paypal donation, Paypal sends a note to donations@torproject.org. At the same time, when someone has a question about a donation, or is having trouble with our donate pages, they also send a note to donations@torproject.org. This results in a ridiculous amount of mail to this address, some important, and some not so much. Sorting helps, but for those of us on using pop, we’re actually downloading all of those machine-generated messages and then sorting and deleting them. A more elegant solution would be for humans asking us things to write to a different address than the one receiving the auto-generated messages. Then those of us only interested in the human-generated messages can be removed from the other ali
On Apr 26, 2016, at 6:24 AM, Ian Goldberg <tor@cypherpunks.ca> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 08:50:41AM +0200, Karsten Loesing wrote:
4) Making a donate@ alias for humans, so donations@ can be for
machines? Answer: Shari thinks that would be so incredibly awesome!
Can you clarify? Machines make donations? Donations of machines?
Machines receive the email to that address?
- Ian
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