On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 05:50:08PM +0000, Sina Rabbani wrote:
I have good news, Rabbi Rob Thomas (robt@cymru.com) is going to cover the costs associated with keeping meek alive.
So far I have setup 2 new accounts with Amazon and Azure and working to confirm the functionality. https://d183ohpl22nq2f.cloudfront.net/ https://meek.azureedge.net/
Cloudfront is working fine and i'm trying to resolve issues with the Azure CDN. Is there a ticket I can update with these details? I think I should also bring up a backend server (bridge) and share the new config lines for the Tor Browser Bundle. I'm hoping to get all this done by Monday or sooner.
I opened a ticket to make the change for meek-azure: https://bugs.torproject.org/21342
I was thinking we should do meek-azure first and later meek-amazon, so as not to have all our eggs in one basket in case of an unanticipated problem.