Notes for July 19 2018 meeting:
Georg: 1) Back from vacation and dealing with backlog 2) Work with UX team to prepare the next desktop alpha (hopefully ready in about two weeks) and the first Tor Browser for Mobile alpha (hopefully ready in about two weeks as well) 3) Shari: Do you know when our current bug bounty contract is supposed to expire?
Shari: 1) Welcome, Sarah! 2) getting caught up from week out of the office 3) general stuff related to getting Sarah acclimated, plans for Mexico City, upcoming grants 4) sorting through Shuttleworth Fellowship candidates
Nick: 1) Away next week at PETS 2) Teor is onboarding this week; all seems well. 3) new bridge auth deployment seems to be going okay. 4) Planning to revise roadmap to reflect reality and staffing changes once Isa is back online in early nov.
Steph: 1) presented at NYU Tandon with Matt, thanks to gman and Yin for helping out! 2) preparing for HOPE tomorrow. Our presentation is Friday, and we have a booth all weekend. Bringing lots of swag. 3) whipped up a 1pager for the NYU students and HOPE table 4) got travel and lodging squared away for Def Con - Roger’s AMA is Sat Aug 11 at 6pm in the crypto village 5) responded to a couple press inquiries 6) helping spread the word about upcoming meetups 7) working on copy for TBA
Karsten: 1) Released CollecTor 1.7.0 to recognize the new bridge authority. 2) Released Onionoo 6.1-1.15.0 with several new features.
Mike: 1) Vanguards post hopefully going up today/early tomorrow before asn's HOPE talk [can i check out the posts? -steph] 2) Research post following soon after (Roger has seen it, had some comments)
Roger: 1) I owe Heather a "staff x sponsor" matrix. Going to do that before I leave for PETS.
Alison: 0) HOPE is tomorrow! I'm spending today making sure all of our plans are in place. 1) PETS is this weekend! Colin is very excited for the relay operators meetup and has been getting lots of last minute RSVPs 2) Gus and I are working on TB 8.0 documentation 3) LFI is in week 7 and we're preparing for our in-person meetup the first weekend in August 4) Continuing to work on the Mexico City meeting. Planning to send the agenda ideas email out the first week of August.