Notes for June 29 2017 meeting:
Alison: 1) Community Team roadmap progress -- still identifying goals and dependencies for the rest of the year. Main priorities are the dependencies and thinking about better ways to have communication channels with devs. 2) Potential new support hire planning with the comms team and the community team 3) Trusteer and Tor Browser situation -- some Windows 10 users can't open TB with Trusteer (anti-fraud, required by banks) software enabled. Colin is digging into this, hoping to have a full update soon. This issue is making me think broadly about support to developer feedback. 4) Support wiki -- hope to have this out next week. Making final edits, writing blog post now.
Roger: 1) I did some of my logistics/bureaucracy stuff this past week, but much remains: SponsorR paper to review, PETS paper to review, Defcon slides to write, three NSF reports to start 2) Membership guidelines discussion is proceeding. I think we're getting good feedback so far, and there is work to be done. 3) Brad, Isa, Shari, are we all set with that government certification thing? 4) If you need a Defcon ticket, I might be able to swing a few. Let me know. 5) I'll be seeing Isabela in person right after this meeting, and probably Alison a bit after that, if you need us to discuss anything.
Steph: 1) First more donor-focused email newsletter going out in 1-2 weeks. Working with Giant Rabbit to get set up on CiviCRM; they have to create an unsubscribe capability for sending newsletters. I'm creating the template now. Will start monthly, possibly become more frequent. Will be fed by previously published content: blog posts, jobs, press, events, etc. 2) Will be moving press list to CiviCRM; Giant Rabbit is building out with chosen fields now
Nick: 1) Putting out releases this week with fixes for TROVE-2017-006. Affects 0.3.0 and later. TBB releases will be warranted IMO. 2) Wanting to resolve license status of torspec: What to do? Should I grab a copyright person? 3) We're starting a "must have regression tests for bugs" policy; let's see how it goes. Other teams might want to watch and see whether they want one too. 4) Wrt fiscal year closing soon: let's not be quiet if anybody's timesheets/reports are late. Instead let's reach out to them right away, so we don't leave Sue & Brad hanging. 5) Should I approve timesheets? How? 6) Working on getting point-of-contact for PT issues. 7) Discussing how we can interact better with external developers/teams who write big patches.
Arturo: 1) OONI measurements API now uses as a backend the new data processing pipeline: 2) Next week we will be making a new ooniprobe mobile release that adds support for sending push notifications to users informing them of things happening in their country/network, asking them to collect more data.
Shari: 1) Did some budget work and readjusting expenses based on new fiscal year starting next week. 2) Working with communications team to get our voice right. (nickm offers to help) 3) Back to the drawing board with strategic planners. 4) Working with Erin on updating employment and other Tor policies. 5) Pulling together a team and talking with Giant Rabbit about our end-of-year fundraising plans.
Karsten: 1) Released Tor Metrics Library 2, blogged about it, completed Sponsor X award that ends June 30, 2017.
Mike: 1) At Mozilla all hands this week. They are excited to work with us. The overall mood seems much more favorable to us than in years past.
Isabela: 1) Working on spreadsheet with time allocation for network team and sponsors. 2) Website redesign contract soon coming in for review, to be signed mid-August.
Brad: 1) Preparing for year-end close process (fiscal year ends 6/30) 2) Transitioning to new payroll provider for US-based employees effective 7/1