Hi! This is my status report for December 2022.
This month, I successfully resolved 799 tickets. On Telegram (@TorProjectSupportBot) - 544 On RT (frontdesk@tpo) - 235
In December 2022, most of the requests (more than 300) came from Russia; however, there is a growing number of tickets from Turkmenistan (around 50) where Tor Browser and Orbot are the popular ways of censorship circumvention. And I also helped users from Iran and China.
My focus was as usual on censorship circumvention; however, there are more questions about Tor Expert Bundle[1], I also help to navigate through the various tor-based apps and help choose the best fit for the user.
In December, the Tor Project Applications team released a new version - Tor Browser 12[2], so I took part in testing it and communicating with users about its features.
Before TB 12 was released, @championquizzer and I finished reviewing all the Tor user support templates. We fixed outdated information and edited templates according to the new TB release.
I also helped in resolving an issue with RT [3].
[1] https://www.torproject.org/download/tor/ [2] https://blog.torproject.org/new-release-tor-browser-120/ [3] https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/41016#note_2865428