On 2013-11-18 21:04, Andreas Jonsson wrote:
On 2013-11-18 20:56, Erinn Clark wrote:
- Andreas Jonsson andreas@romab.com [2013:11:18 20:33 +0100]:
Very hard to troubleshoot why it isnt working properly unless it is in debug mode :) (log file is /var/log/system.log), should anyone be curious. If this is problematic/show stopper/undesirable, i will create a new release with no debug.
Feature request: make the debug output write to its own log that is not a system.log. Something like writing to the top level directory of TBB as tbb-sandbox-debug.log would be better.
I can file it as a github issue if you like.
Ok, new release with as little logging as possible. should be present here: https://github.com/trams242/tor-browser-bundle/releases/tag/0.2
also fixes icons in open-file dialog.